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These incredible Manzanita trees were reclaimed from the high desert near Payson, Arizona and feature elk bite scars that influence how the tree grows.  The vibrant red color is the natural bark.  This can be preserved with a penetrating resin or sand blasted to reveal the blonde and deep red-brown colors under. The larger pieces can be used for table bases. We can combine multiple pieces joined into a cluster for a table base. They can be hung on the wall raw to feature the natural red color or sand blasted to be used for terrariums, reptile habitat drift wood, and more.  We primary collect the largest pieces. 


We have access to pieces from 2-4ft diameter for large dining tables -  these range from $5-7k for finished dining tables with glass tops. The medium sized pieces for sculpural displays or smaller table bases are $1000-1500 as finished pieces. The smaller pieces vary from 500-750 finished. If you'd like a raw piece to build with and DIY, send us a message or visit our sawmill shop. 

Elk Bit Manzanita, Rustic Landscape Decor Pieces, Table Bases

    Celebrating 9 years of transforming reclaimed urban trees into heirloom furniture and providing connection to nature through organic wood tables & art pieces that inspire to touch and stare at everyday.

    Furniture should be personal, not boring and beige. ​

    © 2024 by LumberLust Designs

    401 S. 40th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85034


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